It’s time to
COME To Our Senses

April • May • June 2019 – Bhakti Barn Yoga, Millburn, New Jersey
Amplify your Asana through an Ayurveda-inspired approach…

BE a Dynamic Yogini

April • May • June 2019 – Bhakti Barn Yoga, Millburn, New Jersey
Amplify your Asana through an Ayurveda-inspired approach…

Advanced Teacher Training

Ayurveda for Yoginis + Yoga Teachers

IMMERSE YOURSELF in the practical, living wisdom of Ayurveda.
EARN Yoga Alliance CEs, too!


Niika Q

Niika Quistgard is a well-known expert on Ayurveda for women’s health, frequently featured in media, like YogaLand Podcast and Yoga Journal Magazine.

At an early age, Niika was drawn to explore the natural wisdoms of the Far East. In her teens, she travelled to China and lived in India, where she discovered the magic and power of the timeless, unbroken streams of life knowledge, still flowing. Niika says “Modern science bears out what indigenous peoples always knew: We are part of and inseparable from Nature.”

In 2007, Niika founded a residential hospital in Kerala, South India–Rasa Ayurveda Traditional Healing Centre. For seven years, women travelled from more than 50 countries for a caring immersion in natural healing to resolve health issues and restore personal energy. Niika now helps women overcome the depleting effects of loss–and lostness–to super-charge strength, fulfillment and positive power with her life-vitalizing program, Juicy Revival.

Known for awakening the power of your “human technology” (mind, senses and natural intelligence), Niika is an engaging, dynamic presenter and trainer. You can expect an enjoyable, practically-valuable learning experience you’ll never forget.


CHOOSE Your Training

BASICS of Balance

SAT • April 27 • 12-4pm

STAGES of Life

SAT • May 18 • 12-4pm

CLASS Design

SAT • June 1 • 12-4pm

DAILY Routines

SUN • April 28 • 12-4pm

TASTE the 6 Rasas

SUN • May 19 • 12-4pm

MIND + Emotions

SUN • June 2 • 12-4pm


Registration Options

Single Topic

ENROLL for an afternoon’s immersion in any powerful topic.
Includes optional morning yoga class.
EARN 4 CE units through Yoga Alliance for each topic you complete!

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ENJOY 2 afternoons immersed in Ayurvedic knowledge and experience.
Includes optional morning yoga classes.
EARN 8 CE units through Yoga Alliance for each weekend completed.

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Full Training Series

REGISTER for the full series: 5 consecutive weekends for an incredible and practical survey of Ayurveda for Yoginis and Yoga Teachers.
Morning yoga classes required.
EARN 50 CE units through Yoga Alliance

>>LEARN More

“Niika’s Ayurveda training is fun and enriching!  I’ll carry this wisdom, love and light well into the future.”

Carly Susser, Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher Training

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