Ayurveda for Conception, Pregnancy and Post-Natal Care

Ayurveda for Conception, Pregnancy and Post-Natal Care

You’re creating new life… Does a sense of wonder just fill you?
Preparing for conception… Conceiving… Being pregnant…
Delivering a child…Your vulnerable and transformative post-natal months…
At every point along this journey of creation, Ayurveda can help you align yourself with Mother Nature’s intelligence and energy.
From the moment of your first desire to conceive, to deliver a healthy baby and to be the best mother you can be, Nature’s energy is behind you. Life’s Shakti moves through you to create, nourish, and protect a unique and precious being!
In today’s world, it’s possible to select from a range of diverse and complicated medical diagnostics and techniques meant to improve your chances of conception, give you a baby with the gender you prefer, or try to ensure a developmentally-complete, full-term pregnancy. With the medical services on offer, you can even choose a particular calendar day for giving birth!
While every technology has its place, our human technology–both physiology and psychology–is designed to function best in harmony with Nature. When you set foot onto this transformative procreative life journey, you are right away invited to surrender control. This is the price of new life! You can’t help but acknowledge the power of the ultimately mysterious force of Mother Nature. You are requested to trust Her as She moves in and around you as your ultimate partner–pure consciousness, from which all form arises. And now, the essential energy of life–Shakti–is liberated to swell and move through every aspect of our process.
For thousands of years, Ayurveda has held out a full spectrum of practical wisdom for all of life’s stages. With some knowledge of Ayurveda, you can increase your knowledge of yourself and the qualities of your current state. You can deepen the foundation of your harmonious relationship with Mother Nature and her Energy of Life. This leads to a boost in confidence and connection, as you know and experience in more detail all the ways Nature is coursing through you to create and sustain a new life.
Conception, pregnancy and the vulnerable post-natal weeks present a very special and important time for every mother, and everyone who cares about a new mother. During this time, our natural caring fuels our motivation to learn, so we can truly understand the needs, gain the skills and become comfortable caring for yourself, or your daughter, your sister, granddaughter or your friend…
Through your healthy curiosity and willingness to forgo the illusion of mental control, Life’s energy and Grace can flow through you directly, allowing Nature’s intelligence to lead your way.
As you learn to recognize, honor and care for the True You–an embodiment of Shakti–doubts and worries fall away as your heart fills with faith in Life. There’s no better time than during the procreative process to embrace a visceral faith in Life, and allow your fears and mental ‘graspings’ to fall away.
As you can do this, your choices naturally become healthier and supportive of nurturing yet MORE good life energy. Your physical and mental health are buoyed. Grounded in this strength, your arms can open wide to welcome the new life coming your way, and all that this new relationship and life stage will bring.
Every mother is different, and your needs will be different, at different times. But all mothers share this fundamental birthright–to fully blossom into a greater physical and spiritual health through her personal procreative journey. Ayurveda can show you how!
with care,

You’re creating new life… Does a sense of wonder just fill you?
Preparing for conception… Conceiving… Being pregnant…
Delivering a child…Your vulnerable and transformative post-natal months…
At every point along this journey of creation, Ayurveda can help you align yourself with Mother Nature’s intelligence and energy.
From the moment of your first desire to conceive, to deliver a healthy baby and to be the best mother you can be, Nature’s energy is behind you. Life’s Shakti moves through you to create, nourish, and protect a unique and precious being!
In today’s world, it’s possible to select from a range of diverse and complicated medical diagnostics and techniques meant to improve your chances of conception, give you a baby with the gender you prefer, or try to ensure a developmentally-complete, full-term pregnancy. With the medical services on offer, you can even choose a particular calendar day for giving birth!
While every technology has its place, our human technology–both physiology and psychology–is designed to function best in harmony with Nature. When you set foot onto this transformative procreative life journey, you are right away invited to surrender control. This is the price of new life! You can’t help but acknowledge the power of the ultimately mysterious force of Mother Nature. You are requested to trust Her as She moves in and around you as your ultimate partner–pure consciousness, from which all form arises. And now, the essential energy of life–Shakti–is liberated to swell and move through every aspect of our process.
For thousands of years, Ayurveda has held out a full spectrum of practical wisdom for all of life’s stages. With some knowledge of Ayurveda, you can increase your knowledge of yourself and the qualities of your current state. You can deepen the foundation of your harmonious relationship with Mother Nature and her Energy of Life. This leads to a boost in confidence and connection, as you know and experience in more detail all the ways Nature is coursing through you to create and sustain a new life.
Conception, pregnancy and the vulnerable post-natal weeks present a very special and important time for every mother, and everyone who cares about a new mother. During this time, our natural caring fuels our motivation to learn, so we can truly understand the needs, gain the skills and become comfortable caring for yourself, or your daughter, your sister, granddaughter or your friend…
Through your healthy curiosity and willingness to forgo the illusion of mental control, Life’s energy and Grace can flow through you directly, allowing Nature’s intelligence to lead your way.
As you learn to recognize, honor and care for the True You–an embodiment of Shakti–doubts and worries fall away as your heart fills with faith in Life. There’s no better time than during the procreative process to embrace a visceral faith in Life, and allow your fears and mental ‘graspings’ to fall away.
As you can do this, your choices naturally become healthier and supportive of nurturing yet MORE good life energy. Your physical and mental health are buoyed. Grounded in this strength, your arms can open wide to welcome the new life coming your way, and all that this new relationship and life stage will bring.
Every mother is different, and your needs will be different, at different times. But all mothers share this fundamental birthright–to fully blossom into a greater physical and spiritual health through her personal procreative journey. Ayurveda can show you how!
with care,